I have been building guitars for more than 40 years now and I still love it. My main goal is to make the best instrument possible, that will fit you, the musician.
I travel all over the world to find the material that goes into a Sanden guitar. I buy as dry wood as I can and then dry it for at least another three years in my workshop, before I use it. It takes about six to eight weeks to build an instrument.
I started to learn guitar building in 1982 in San Diego, USA. I studied for Bozo Padunavac where I leraned to build steelstring guitars and mandolins. Between 1984-1986 I studied for Georg Bolin learning to build classical guitar. I recieved my journeyman`s certificate in 1986 and in 1996 I got my Master´s certificate in guitar craftmanship. I have held guitarbuilding classes for over 35 years and the last 12 years I have worked as a consultant of design and construction for Tanglewood guitar in England.
So you can say I have experience to build guitars and if you should choose to buy a guitar from me I can assure you I have done my best to make you a very special instrument that will bring you joy for many years.